
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh by the Way

Not that I care that much, but Masoli’s line in Missippi’s win over Kentucky: 90 yards passing, 43 yards rushing in 42-35 win over Kentucky. Darron Thomas 20-29 3 tds passing, 117 yards rushing 1 tds, with some great ball fakes and keeps, running the option, the pitch and the offense and leading a big win.

Darron Thomas outplayed Andrew Luck and Jeremiah Masoli today. And I love how he doesn’t get rattled by the score, the situation, a mistake or pressure. At the end of the game I saw him talking to Scott Frost, receptive and attentive, still working to become a better player.

These Ducks are for real. They handle adversity as well as any team Oregon has ever had.

That said, I wish they would do a little better job of creating a little less adversity for themselves. The defense seems to take a quarter and a half to find itself, and the fumbles on the kickoff are a momentum killer, a momentum creator for the opponent. Being a young quarterback, DT has two or three throws a game you want to say, “What were you thinking?” Oregon has trouble with the screen pass, on both sides of the ball. Ours get busted up and theirs seem to suck us in.

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