
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weis to Florida?

Head scratcher hire so far: new Gator head coach Will Muschamp hires Kansas City Chief Offensive Coordinator and former Notre Dame head coach Charlie Weis to run the Florida offense. He can't start right away, because the Chiefs are in the playoffs.

Nothing about Weis' record at ND convinces me he'll be a dynamic recruiter or superlative strategist in Gainesville. The Gators run the Urban Meyer spread currently, and Weis likely favors the pro set and an NFL-type shotgun. None of Florida's three quarterbacks are the next Tom Brady, or even the next Brady Quinn.

Florida is a high-pressure job. If Muschamp doesn't want to be the next Ron Zook, he'd better hope Weis produces immediate improvement in the UF offense. A couple more 7-5 seasons and they'd be sending out resumes to a drastically diminished pool of openings.

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