
Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Walk-Through: News, Notes and Web Bites on a Bye week

The crabby fighting Duck knows how to use his down time, and doesn't get his pinfeathers ruffled if some fat stupid goose wants to fall down and act the fool. That the best you got? The Duck will keep the ball for the final 9:25, and leave you a little going away gift on third and five. Want to play dead? Here's a little help: ker-smash!

Duck fans spot another Duck at the gym or the store, and it's unanimous everywhere you go: "Man, the bye week came at a perfect time."

Certainly it did. Oregon needed a week to heal and clean things up, and gather themselves for the season's last two critical tests. Meanwhile, here are some links, news and notes to keep us tuned up until next Friday:

George Schroeder has a thoughtful analysis of the character issue and its role in the Heisman trophy balloting this year. Fans might not always agree with Schroeder, but his columns are invariably thoughtful. Reading him, you don't get the feeling he has an axe to grind or the desire to stir up trouble by shooting from the lip. He points out, reasonably, that both of the leading candidates, Cam Newton and Oregon's LaMichael James have a smear on their resume, previous legal trouble.

In his Friday mailbag, ESPN's Ted Miller defends James with perspective, and careful attention to the facts:

James is a humble guy and a good student. He was involved in a bad situation that he didn't handle perfectly and he paid a significant price for it and continues to pay for it beyond fairness because of how the maelstrom of "information" -- truths, half-truths, exaggerations and lies -- spews unevenly in our Internet age.

What would I say to Heisman voters who believe James is the best player in the nation but have character concerns?


In his piece, Schroeder includes a link to the court documents in the James case, an unfortunate incident in which four of the most serious charges were dropped. Newton's troubles, however, are just beginning. Internet rumblings suggest Cam Newton's father had the misfortune to get involved with several Auburn boosters being investigated by the FBI for a criminal conspiracy. He sold his son to a group of crooks, and the booster payout got exposed in a much larger mess. It won't go away quietly, or soon.

In all likelihood Newton stays eligible for now. He keeps playing, and on the field, he's the most dynamic, game-changing player in college football. He's Terrelle Pryor, Darron Thomas and LaMichael James rolled into one package. Based on his play, he's the Heisman trophy winner without doubt. Right now there's no telling how long it will take for the truth to come out about his recruitment and spotty academic history. One laptop incident can be forgiven (can't throw stones there). All this other stuff, however, takes it to an entirely new level. The guy is dirty. His recruitment is part of an ugly, sordid web of lies.

Duck fans shouldn't take any pleasure in the allegations. Anything that stains college football, and potentially tarnishes Oregon's bid for the national title, is nothing to be celebrated. LaMichael James and Chip Kelly don't care about awards, and James has done everything he can to make amends for the trouble he had. Ultimately, you want the games to be won on the field and not in the courts, or not vacated 18 months later by the decision of some committee.

Here's hoping the Tigers lose to Alabama or South Carolina, so the national championship doesn't have to be played under a cloud.

Newton probably deserves the Heisman. He's rushed for 1297 and 17 TDs, passed for 2038 yards and 21 TDs, and made two dozen highlight reel, sensational plays along the way. His father cheated, and they'll be punished later. But based on his accomplishments, he's the best player in the country.

Duck fans love LaMichael James, deservedly. He's fast and exciting and plays with tremendous heart. He had some trouble, but he faced up to it, and throughout his career he's proved himself to be an incredible competitor, a great teammate, and a person of integrity and character. Recently he made the PAC-10 Academic All-Conference team. He speaks with modesty and humility, unfailingly giving credit to his teammates. Newton may match their talents, but I'd rather be rooting for Darron Thomas and LaMichael James.

The crabby fighting Duck doesn't care much about trophies. That massive shiner on your eye and that big "W" on the scoreboard are all the trophies he needs. Here's a little something for the Wildcat trophy case: Kablooey!


  1. Excellent stuff Dale...I like your style!


  2. Thank you DS. Appreciate that very much.


  3. Agreed. Fantastically entertaining as always!

  4. PK--

    Thanks for visiting and saying hello. Really glad you find the blog entertaining; that's our goal, always. We try to be passionate without being blindly fanatical. It's been very rewarding to see the growth of support for what we're doing, and amazing to watch such an incredible season unfold.

    A day off tomorrow, then the Ducks get back to the fast hard finish.

    Best wishes,

