
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why This Weekend's Game Will Tell Us a Lot about the Oregon Ducks

The players aren't dumb. They have the internet at home and watch ESPN. They know they're number one, and Washington isn't very good. The seniors have participated in or watched three routs of the Huskies, five for those who had a recruiting visit and a redshirt year.

This weekend we'll see if they're just offering lip service to the Kelly mantra, or they believe it in their heart of hearts. Because if they don't overlook Washington, they won't overlook anybody.

Coach Kelly says this group loves playing football, and that they practice and prepare with a vision that never wavers.

If that's really true, they'll come out relentless and focused against the Huskies, and destroy them with machine-like precision. Saturday should be a three-hour display of execution and dominance.

Overlook the Huskies, though, and you let a thoroughly beaten and discouraged team back into a game in which they have no business being competitive.

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