
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can Anybody Think of a Stocky. Fast-Talking Coach with New England Roots Who'd Be a Good Fit at UConn?

Espn reports UConn coach Randy Edsall has been hired at Maryland instead of Mike Leach or Gus Malzahn. Think Chip Kelly wants to return to New England? Don't expect it, of course, but UConn is the best job available in the Upper 6, and just a quick drive from New Hampshire.

Kelly doesn't strike me as a guy who is particularly motivated by money or the career ladder. Sooner or later the NFL will come calling, as will the so-called glamour jobs at traditional powers. He has no long-term or personal ties to Oregon, no history other than his dramatic rise and impressive two-season record of excellence.

The Win-the-Day philosophy doesn't leave a lot of room for speculation or hypotheticals. No one outside the coach's inner circle could have the least idea what appeal another job would hold for him, if any. Have to hope he's learned to enjoy the view from his office in the Mosofsky Center and elects to stay there for a long while.


  1. this POST is a FAIL. From Oregon to UCONN? LMAO

  2. You know what? I work really hard on this blog, and beginning today I'm starting a new policy. Anonymous, rude, negative comments I'll just delete from now on. I don't need the aggravation. Just four years ago Kelly was an assistant coach at New Hampshire, working for about 5% of his current salary. His roots are firmly in New England. He's a fiercely independent guy. He's not likely to be limited to what you'd expect him to do, or what ESPN expects him to do. If you remember just a few weeks ago, Urban Meyer left coaching at age 46. Anything is possible.

    Besides that, you didn't read very carefully. I didn't say Kelly is leaving, or that he's going to UConn. I am merely saying he COULD go anywhere he wanted, and Duck fans have to hope he's developed a connection to Oregon and Eugene that will keep him there.

    I believe he's the best coach in college football, and Oregon is extremely lucky to have him. That's the point of the post, which you missed entirely. It's a mistake to presume he won't be offered other jobs, and it's naive to think he won't consider one at some point.


  3. Waaaaah, WAAAAAH.

    I don't think he's leaving anytime soon. His parents moved out here and he's building a new house. Why would he build a new house here if he's thinking about leaving. Plus He's really close with the staff here and he has everything he needs. Why would he want to leave Oregon? They have the best facilities and are building that stand alone multi-million dollar football center. He has everything he needs here. He has said multiple times he loves it here. He's building his own legacy at a school that doesn't have any NCs. He may leave someday but not anytime soon.

    Go ahead and delete barely anyone reads this blog anyways.

  4. Ducks,

    The blog has over 65,000 hits for the season. Thanks for your comments.

    The point of the post wasn't that Kelly would be leaving. The point is that he's going to be sought after. He'll be offered pro jobs. Michigan will contact him if Harbaugh turns them down. He could have most any open job in the country just by having his guy make a call to a couple of the right people.

    The end of the NCAA and NFL seasons starts the coaching carousel. It's newsworthy and topical, so we comment on it. With 22 wins in his first two years as head coach, Kelly, like it or not, will be sought after.

    I do expect the Oregon staff to remain intact for another season. After that, who knows?

    Coaches who stay at one school for ten years or more are a rarity now. Duck fans have to hope Kelly becomes one of them.
